google-site-verification=nPFbrrC-XXXbl1AFZljmxMiaQY87Lju3L3keYX4Q7sg ShivamInstitutebvn: First, a joke from the Indian Institute of Technology

Monday, September 26, 2022

First, a joke from the Indian Institute of Technology

First, a joke from the Indian Institute of Technology:

A college senior told me a secret once. If you want to top in the IIT, study two days before exam.

Because everyone else will study? - One day before the exam.

Now to the real science:

There are a few ways to approach this problem, and I would tell from my own experience as I had to go through a lot of exams in my life in IIT, and I was able to secure rank one in my class. Clearly in addition to understanding the subject, memorization was a significant part of my learning process.

Here is how I have seen topmost students at IITs doing this, and I admit, I am no different.

ONE: The number one thing about learning anything and everything is to fully understand it. To improve your understanding of any topic no matter what that topic is, is to first understand it from the basics, and beat the understanding to death by all angles. To achieve this, always begin with a simpler book on the subject. Lots of people pick up the most complex books on the subject and they think that they would read it and understand it better than others. But because those books are complex, often they don’t get to understand the subject.

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