google-site-verification=nPFbrrC-XXXbl1AFZljmxMiaQY87Lju3L3keYX4Q7sg ShivamInstitutebvn: It doesn't matter what you read first

Sunday, September 11, 2022

It doesn't matter what you read first

 The people who can pull this kind of thing off aren't worried about being in the top 1% and don't need to ask how to do it. They just go.

I'm really at a loss as to how to put this diplomatically. If you're 1% or even 10% material you would have popped open a browser, searched for "machine learning" and started reading everything that came up. You'd find many terms you don't understand, and you'd google those as well. And after a week you would have understood 5% of what you read and be writing code. After two years of that you would understand a lot more and have your first 10k lines of machine learning code.

The cliche is "move fast and break things," and there's a nugget of truth to that. Stop waiting for replies here and start reading. It doesn't matter what you read first, what's best to read or in what order. Don't ask for permission and don't ask for reassurance. Just go.

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